August 28, 2017 |
Ah, the American Dream. Owning a home. If you live in California it indeed feels more like a dream than a reality. Californian cities are filled with small homes with large price tags. Unless, of course, you are looking for your American Dream in the hidden gem of the North State, Redding California.
The average home price in California is $499,000, an amount that is unattainable for most families, even with two incomes. The houses in the cities are smaller with limited parking space, no backyards and neighbors close enough to reach into your kitchen window when they need sugar.
There’s another side of the California real estate market though. Imagine larger homes, the prospect of property and space, friendly neighbors and your choice of different neighborhoods. Even with the recent peak in the real estate market, the average home price in Redding is $246,000. Not only attainable for the average household but comfortable enough that you don’t feel house-broke after paying your mortgage.
In addition to affordable housing, the Redding market offers a diverse selection of home and property types. Whether you prefer to live in an upscale neighborhood or on acreage with no neighbors in sight, Redding and it’s surrounding areas offer multiple options. That’s right, surrounding areas. If you’re open to a commute of a whopping 20-30 minutes (still just a fraction of what you experience the congested cities), your options open up even more.
Only 54% of Californians own their home.
In Redding, 71% of citizens own their home.
You can stay in the city and pay someone else’s mortgage with each rent payment. Or… You can find your American Dream in Redding, California.
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